Medicare Under 65

Am I Eligible for Medicare Under 65?

Eligibility for Medicare under 65 is based on your health condition and Social Security. Generally speaking, you are eligible for Medicare under 65 if:

  • You have been diagnosed with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
  • You have received Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) checks for at least 24 months

Once you receive your 25th month of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), you are automatically enrolled in Original Medicare. However, if you suffer from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or ALS, your Medicare coverage will start as soon as you receive your first SSDI without this two-year waiting period.

For ESRD Medicare coverage to begin, you must:

  • Be Receiving Dialysis Treatments/Have Had a Kidney Transplant

You must also have at least one of the following:

  • SSDI Eligibility
  • Railroad Retirement Benefits Eligibility
  • You, a Spouse, or a Parent Have Paid Medicare Taxes for a Sufficient Amount of Time

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Your Medicare coverage doesn’t have to be confusing. Sorting out your options and eligibility can be complex and complicated—that’s where Medicare Max USA comes in. 

Our friendly experts will personally work with you to help you understand, apply for, and receive the Medicare coverage you need. Want more information? Call 833-762-9669 today!

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